Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You’re the Cure Facebook Action Center

When notorious 1930’s era bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he simply replied, “Because that’s where the money is.” That same line of thought can be used today by organizations that have starting using Facebook as part of their communications and advocacy efforts – it makes sense because that’s where the people are!

A lot people these days are spending time on Facebook. Is there any better place to see what your all of your friends are collectively up to – or to post photos of your kid's birthday party? Studies show that the average active Facebook user spends over 20 minutes a day on the site! It’s no wonder Facebook is now one of the top sites in the world – with a total user base greater than the entire population of the United States! Its reach is so wide that Facebook has become an almost a second Internet on to itself.

That’s why we are so excited to leverage Facebook’s popularity for advocacy purposes and announce the launch of the You’re the Cure Facebook Action Center. You can find it by clicking the “Take Action” tab on our You’re the Cure Facebook page, which can be found at: http://www.facebook.com/yourethecure/

The You’re the Cure Facebook Action Center empowers people to send messages to their elected officials and to opt-in to receive more information from the Heart Association -- all without ever leaving Facebook. The action center also gives activist the opportunity to share the actions with their existing group of Facebook friends, which helps spread our messages even further on the popular social media site.

We think this tool will really take our outreach efforts to the next level, but not without your help. Please become a “fan” on our page on Facebook and use the “Take Action” tab to send a message to a decision maker. It’s quick and easy, and when you’re done you’re only a few click away from millions of other things on Facebook!

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