Monday, August 3, 2009

Your Health Care Reform Questions Answered!

The health care reform debate can be confusing– the current health insurance system is very complex and there are several different bills to reform it. Many people are left with questions about the different proposals and just what the bills mean for them.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be answering some of the most frequently asked questions about health care reform on this blog. We'll address basic questions about the impact of health care reform for heart and stroke patients as well as questions about specific proposals. First up...

Q: Why does the American Heart Association support health care reform?

A: We believe that the bills before Congress, while not perfect, will make care more available and affordable for the millions of individuals with heart disease and stroke who are uninsured or have inadequate coverage. The bills preserve what works in our current healthcare system; include an important and long overdue emphasis on preventing illness; and will help to improve the quality of care that everyone receives. The bills also make sure that individuals are protected from insurers that evade their obligations to pay for needed care.

Stay tuned for answers to more questions over the next few weeks. In the meantime, share your questions with us by commenting on this post!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where will the funding come for this program? How will it affect taxes? How will it affect those who already have excellent coverage? Emphasis is placed on preventive medicine, what would happen if a person develops or already has a serious or terminal illness? How would it affect our choice as individuals on who we would like for medicl care or need for a specialist and or second opionion, would we have that choice?

If most of the people are happy with their current insurance, is there a way to help those who can't afford or have lost their coverage?

I agree, there is a problem with coverage through employers because when they change jobs they lose coverage. In fact, I think that is the main reason most people fall between the cracks and don't have medical coverage when they need it. Not all employers have health inurance available or if they do it is not affordable.

For instance, I work for a school system as a para educator. I currently make $8.47 per hour with only 34 hours available per week, to get health insurance, I would have to pay $257.(+) per month, that does not include dental or vision coverage.

My previous coverage expired in January 2007, following a divorce and relocation. Starting over and the economy played at part in not getting employed adequately. I have been without insurance since then and I know many like me who have fallen through the cracks.

Barb of Iowa